Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce

  • Metro Region
14800 Galaxie Avenue West
Suite 101
Apple Valley, MN 55124
(952) 432-8422
(952) 432-7964 (fax)
8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon-Fri
  • About

    Apple Valley Chamber represents the 17th Best Place to Live in the US (CNN/Money 2013). Home to the Minnesota Zoo and 1.4 million visitors annually, Apple Valley has over 50,000 people. See our site!

  • Whom to Contact

  • Directions

    Apple Valley is 5-minutes south of Mall of America. Take Cedar (77) south from Mall of America or 494. In Apple Valley, take left on County Rd. 42 (main corners), two blocks turn left on Galaxie.